| 1. Driving defensively means:- Always maintain good vision ahead and around your vehicle.
- Look around once in while just to make sure you're in the right State.
- Avoid eye contact with other drivers so you don't offend anybody.
- "Defensive? Most people tell me my driving is OFFensive..."
| 2. The time it takes you to react, think, and apply the brakes is called reaction time.- On average, it takes about three-quarters of a second for you to react to a situation and step on the brake pedal.
- Sometimes, it takes a couple of seconds for you to react to a situation and step on the brake pedal.
- "You want me to think and drive at the same time?! Don't be a chowda head."
- Sometimes you look up from what you're doing and see a situation that requires a reaction, put down the Dunkin' Donuts coffee and switch the cell phone to the other ear and then react.
| 3. Using your horn and signals tells other drivers your intentions. These should be used:- Every time you plan to stop, turn, etc.
- Sometimes, when traffic is really heavy.
- Once a year, during the vehicle inspection.
- As a toy to keep your child entertained while parked in quiet neighborhoods.
| 4. The Fundamental Speed Law for motor vehicles is:- That you must never travel faster than is reasonable and proper for the current conditions and public safety.
- If you travel faster than it's safe, eventually you're gonna whack or get whacked.
- You are usually running late, so every one else should get out of your way so you can drive as fast as you fundamentally need to.
- "Speed limits are Fundamentally screwed up!"
| 5. Regardless of what a posted speed limit sign says, how fast you drive must depend on several factors:- Traffic, road conditions, weather, and pedestrians or bicyclists.
- Cars, potholes, ice and those idiot health freaks out jogging.
- If your bald tires can keep holding on, and, how much longer those worn out brake pads will last.
- The number of points left on your license before those idjits at RMV take it away.
 | 6. This sign means:- This is the maximum legal speed under ideal conditions.
- It's a good target speed, give or take 8 mph.
- It means nothing to you except you might get stuck behind some moron from out-of-state that still reads these things.
- The road is smooth enough that you can usually get up to 90 after your favorite watering hole closes.
 | 7. This sign means:- Come to a complete halt. You must stop before any crosswalk or stop line painted on the pavement. Come to a complete stop, yield to pedestrians or other vehicles, and proceed carefully.
- Stop, then go. It's the other person's turn to stop.
- Slowing is a Totally Optional Proposition.
- "If I stop now, I won't make it home in time for the beginning of (insert name of senseless 'reality' show here)"
 | 8. This light means:- Come to a complete stop. Obey the right-of-way laws and proceed when it is safe to do so.
- Slow down to about 5 mph and then go when it's clear.
- The intersection ahead is dangerous and the people approaching should look out because you are coming through.
- "Someone forgot to take down their holiday decorations."
 | 9. This sign means:- Slow down and be prepared to stop. Let traffic, pedestrians, or bicycles pass before you enter the intersection or join another roadway. You must come to a complete stop if traffic conditions require it.
- Slow down then roll in between the next two cars coming.
- The next merge is gonna be difficult, but you're an artist at cutting in between other drivers .
- "I don't have time to look at signs, I'm trying to drive here, damnit!"
 | 10. This sign means:- You should drive in the right lane and only use the left to pass.
- Cruise in the fast lane and get over if someone comes up behind you.
- The number 2 lane is for cruising.You get into it and stay there for the next 200 miles, regardless of the other drivers and traffic flowing around you. You're going 'fast enough,' damnit.
- "It's a trick question - the Highway Dept. took the signs down so slower drivers get in the way of the faster drivers. You can't go a day without getting stuck behind three cars, side by side, all doing the same speed."
| 11. You should always stay between the lines marking your lane:- Unless you are turning, exiting a highway, or changing lanes.
- As much of the time as possible, but these roads are so 'bovine'.
- "What lines?! They haven't striped since the beginning of the Big Dig, way back in '92.."
- "Lanes are for pussies too! Third world driving is the best."
| 12. When changing lanes, you should:- (1) look, (2) signal, (3) move.
- (1) look, (2) move, (3) signal.
- (1) realize you missed your turn, (2) swerve quickly across the three lanes next to you, (3) avoid eye contact with other drivers and pretend you did nothing wrong
- (1) look, at anything except the surrounding traffic (2) signal for the three minutes leading up to your turn, (3) slow down almost to a complete stop with the tail end of your vehicle still in traffic, then swing wide to block as many lanes of traffic as possible.
| 13. Right-of-Way:- Helps drivers to decide how to handle traffic situations that are not determined entirely by signs or signals. These rules are based on safety and courtesy; they do not give you any 'rights.' Remember, the right-of-way is something you give, not take. If another driver fails to follow these rules in a certain situation, you should always give the right-of-way for safety's sake. Never insist on taking the right-of-way.
- Is a good guide to help with traffic flow.
- "Implement Right-of-way in New England? That's hilarious! I don't even make eye contact, let alone give the right of way to some chump I can just as easily cut off!"
- means 'That's Right, you're in my Way, chump!'
 | 14. This sign means:- No Parking.
- You probably shouldn't park here, but it's hardly ever enforced.
- No public urinating.
- "I can park here 'cuz I'm 'Special'. As a matter of fact, a guy once told me they named an Olympics after me..."
 | 15. This sign means:- Do Not Enter.
- "Huh? Never noticed it."
- "Now you're screwing with me. That sign isn't even in the Drivers Manual."
- "Some guy got paid for work that didn't need to be done. Everybody knows you have to go down this street the wrong way to get there."
| 16. Rotaries (known as traffic circles in the rest of the civilized world) have their own set of rules:- When you approach a rotary, you must yield the right-of-way to any vehicles already in the rotary.
- Slow down a little and slip in between the cars.
- "They know me here and stay outta my way."
- "The guy with the biggest car wins. This SUV costs me $80 to fill up, but hey, I OWN those rotaries!"
| 17. Many motor vehicle crashes are caused by improper turns. Which of the following is one of the steps necessary for a proper turn?- Complete the turn carefully, making sure you turn into the proper lane.
- Glance up from the directions every once in a while then swerve quickly because you missed the turn.
- Blow past the idiots waiting in line and then put your signal on pretending you're from another part of the state (even though the same drivers see you every day).
- Blow past the idiots waiting in line and then WHIP in front of the lead car (because the same drivers see you every day and KNOW you're an idiot).
| 18. What must you do if you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming?- Pull as close as possible to the right side of the road and come to a complete stop until the vehicle has passed.
- Slow down a little and keep to the right.
- "They can wait in traffic just like everybody else, damnit!"
- "I can't hear anything when I've got my tunes cranked."
 | 19. In Boston, this sign means: - Parking ahead.
- Public parking is up on the right.
- There is a chance there might be a space available on the right.
- "Bah! There's no parking in Boston, ya idjit."