Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Evil of Two Lessers

My father was a used car salesman, thus, I was fed a heavy diet of bullshit. When you drink too much tequila (the crappy stuff, not the premium labels) and get violently sick, afterwards you are highly sensitive to the smell and taste – almost hypersensitive. That’s how I am with bullshit. My father would say something, that, to the entire family sounded like a promise, except it wasn’t. He chose his words carefully, because when he was screwing over the poor victim that had come to him for a car, he had to close the deal without actually doing anything illegal. Get your toes right up to the line, but never cross it. That’s how I feel about W's rhetoric. Unfortunately, Anti-Bush does not necessarily mean Pro-Kerry. It means the current political machine dictates who we get stuck with as an alternative. johnkerrysucksless.com mirrors many of the feelings I have in this years race:

”Let’s face it- All career politicians suck. They may start out starry eyed and full of ideals but the political process grinds them down and makes them beholden to large corporations and one of the two major parties. The higher up in the political food chain you get the worse it is. Imagine after years in the system how many IOUs exist. You can not expect to raise all that money for re-election without a few strings attached.”

I think it’s time to push harder for ‘Kamikaze Politicians’. People who get in, take out the enemy, and do it at the expense of their political careers. The only benefit would be to the public that voted them into office, not the PACs and lobbyists. When the time came for the politician to repay the IOUs, he/she could politely bow out with a “sorry, I need to spend time with my family.” They’re all liars, but at least I could live with a lie like that.


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