Sunday, August 22, 2004

my mother-in-law says the WMDs are there

And she says the whole country is going to hell because of the liberals. When I tell her I am scared that people believe it is okay to fire a person for questioning W., she responds with “well I guess Hussein wasn’t killing all of those people.” It was as if the irrelevant, nonsensical response had been programmed into her. When I tell her I don’t support W., she then tells me that I’m an idiot for supporting all the immigrants coming in illegally. It doesn’t matter to her that, in fact, I’m for legal immigration and opposed to providing benefits to illegal immigrants. If I’m anti-Bush, them I must be one of those extreme liberal freaks. To her, there is no middle ground. (Background: the church she attends is not considered a cult, but is categorized as shepherding.)

So the question is this: which is the more immediate threat to a sane discussion about American issues, the Muslim madrassas drilling anti-western ideas into susceptible minds, or the Christian madrassas drilling anti-liberal simplistic ideas into susceptible minds?


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