Wednesday, August 25, 2004

please, don’t let me disturb your lunch

In Shrewsbury, the intersection of Route 9 and Quinsigamond has one lane southbound and two lanes making a left turn going north then westbound. While the intersection is scheduled for a $1,328,000.00 redesign (pdf), there currently are no signs reminding those turning left that they have to yield to the oncoming traffic. There seems to be a gang mentality of ‘screw them, there are more of us than them’ and so they charge through the intersection oblivious to the southbound vehicles. Today was no exception.

I came down the hill in my dark green F-150 (not dificult to see in broad daylight) and had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting an idiot in a Jeep Cherokee. No wave to say ‘sorry,’ nothing. We both travelled across the bridge and made our turns to go southbound on Lake Ave. I pulled up beside him with the following exchange:

Me: “Do you see me now?”
Twit (rolls down his right window): “What?”
Me: Do you see me now?”
Twit: “Huh?”
Me: “You didn’t see me back in the intersection.”
Twit: “What intersection?”
Me: “The one on the other side of the bridge where you just made the left hand turn and cut me off.”
Twit (takes another bite of the salad on his lap): “Huh?”
Me (sarcastically): “Oops.”

Light turns green. Twit pulls forward, and then holds up traffic by making a left hand turn across a double double yellow line. I wish I had got his plates. I need to start a hall of shame. Wait, they have no shame.


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