Saturday, September 18, 2004

I knew polls sucked, and here is why

[commentary] Steve Soto over at the Left Coaster has a piece about the analysis of how the Gallup poll conducts its surveys. Needless to say, there is more than enough there to re-evaluate the validity of these polls. I know it sounds lame to say I have leaned from television (CSI and Monk have taught me I could never get away with a crime), but look at what West Wing has taught us about polls. The answer you get on a question depends on how you phrase it. Without knowing exactly how a poll was put together, and who it was targeted to, I value its data as much as I value sound bites from politicians.

I hear these pompous politico stand in front of the camera and say the other guy voted against a bill and should be thrown out. No go. I am not going to follow the political cattle who base their decisions on talking points and not on critical thought. I would vote against the war too if you tacked a blank check for a company on to the bill as well. The American public deserves the representation it gets in Washington, because it has developed into a "vote them off the island" mentality - Not just in the amount of thought involved but also for the one hour taken to analyze the issues and the people involved. Personally, I'm going to do the extra legwork involved to find out the truth, and also remember who was spouting crap before the elections.


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