Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pier 57 leased by the RNC?

[political] In a letter attributed to Erin Starr, mother to Summer Starr who was arested and sent to Pier 57, she claims that the NYPD told her husband that the Certificate of Occupancy for the site was issued by the RNC. I think that should have read 'issued to,' but the point is, it sounds like the RNC leased themselves a little prison and then handed over the keys to the NYPD. I'm waiting with baited breath for a copy of the CoO to appear. While there is no mention of this in the Maui News article about Summer's arrest, the reporter may have thought it wasn't interesting enough to follow or is still doing research on that aspect of the story. I especially loved the editorial comment inserted in Portland Indy's coverage of the letter:
Warning signs that reporters saw posted around Pier 57 said not to enter without protective clothing and mask.
While the commercial media has fallen on it's butt covering this story or simply reiterated the NYPD line, there are too many people still talking about this story to let it die. Now if I could just sell one single Pier 57 sticker I would be happy my message was getting out too. I'm still searching to see if the HRPT had any indirect links to the Republican party, like big contributors :-)


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